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Posts published in “Year: 2007


these beating veins know nothing more
than your face, as tide knows but shore.


I once slipped on these words, but I think I’ll let the words speak for themselves now:

I never gave a fuck unless I was sure someone else would.
Maybe that was my problem, I thought you did, too.
I never thought of you in the way a lover may; I only thought, waited, wanted you to be who I didn’t think you were, who I saw you could be, so I could walk away with no regrets, with no remorse, but that never happened, except with little things, and the little things always weigh the most. I wish the world was flat, but You’re Too Damn Even, and opposites are needed.


upon a grey moon,
I stared at this man, a
man I wronged several minutes before,
but never gave a thought to succumbing to
this thought of regeneration, a thought of
handing over my pride to be His, and
I feel there’s a rush, now, a rush I never
felt before except when I knew
a mighty hand had fall’n ‘pon me and
this Man, He, He needs me now as He
needed me then, and
now I’m ready to let Him know I
am sorry, I
am sorry.


have you ever been so happy you
smile and blind the sky
hold high your head and wished the world
would fall down so you can
everytime i smile i think of YOU
and her, and her, and her, and her,
and her, and her, and her, and her, and her/oh, her


do you ever ‘magine
those private times
one day would be
held sway
in lack of
those cherished moments
i always wished were known.


nice experience,
but i’d like to have my own some day.


imagine a touchscreen-based system
such as a touchstream
where fueled typings become
a way in which to feel
the words
— much as blind,
however, completely ‘vined.
.. ah,
the prickled few
of finger,
held to view in rise
of spires, whole-handed.
but who holds not
when r’/’yping gives
most note, though
screen with perceivable
reaches both ocular
and tactile
of stream.


My mind thinks in spurts.
I wish it wouldn’t, but if it didn’t
it wouldn’t be the same;
I wish it wouldn’t, but if it didn’t
I wouldn’t know your name.

My mind thinks in spurts,
catches on a word, I wish it wouldn’t,
but if it didn’t, I wouldn’t be the same;
I wish it wouldn’t, but you know
I wouldn’t be here with you again.

My mind doesn’t work
uh– in the magical sense that
every other may; they
may see the roundabout, know there’s
a turn, but I stop in the middle and
admire the passers’ yearn for an outlet, anywhere,
anywhere to know the world is ahead and
I’m lost again, but that’s fine, yeah,
that’s just fine.

And I want you to know
I never knew your name
until you told me; I
never knew you existed
until the day I woke up,
rolled over,
and you weren’t there, beside.


Those above us, only through politics, are not who we want. We want competence. We want the ability to be heard, seen, read, and talked about without the worry or fear or shelter of feeling as though our Country, this Great Land, is not seen as being as Spiritual and Holy a place as WE believe it to be; as we KNOW it to be. I fear for those who will grow, who will age in a world unknowing of the ever-sought peace, and that this aggressive institution, this, “terror of war,” will be their livelihood, just as our parents’ was the Cold War, Vietnam, and just as the Great Wars were their parents’, and their parents’ was the Civil. Can we know peace, can we not know war? What is given through this war that we are not striving, through peace, toward? Knowledge knows only limitations, and Life knows of no boundaries. What are we to say that we are both allowing for and knowing/aware of what is being done in Our name, America, United of States?


i am a terarist. i am a n/o/et. i believe we have
come too far in history
to be anything other than
allowing for the
alternations of other nations, the
availability of respectability.
we are who we are
because we’ve come here,
we’ve lasted as long as we have;
and what are we if fighting for
nothing; more than peace, we need
brotherhood, sisterhood, a

musings & scribbles