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Posts published in May 2006

be as silent as to hear the trees breathe

be as silent as to
hear the trees breathe
‘bove the breeze’ speak
for a whisper carries
upon the moving ground
of atmospheres’
dancing blow
long ‘cross

the pine

the pine,
‘mongst flame-green,

Sen. Barack Obama

By DENNIS CONRAD, Associated Press Writer Thu May 11, 8:10 PM ET

WASHINGTON – Democratic Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday ridiculed the Bush administration’s defense of the
Iraq war, arguing that messages such as “Plan for Victory” can’t hide the “2,400 flag-draped coffins that have arrived at the Dover Air Force Base.”

In a speech to EMILY’s List, the Illinois senator used biting criticism in assailing the president and his handling of the war. Obama spoke in support of former Army Maj. Tammy Duckworth, a helicopter co-pilot who lost both her legs in combat in Iraq and is trying to win an open House seat.

“This idea,” Obama said, “that somehow if you say the words ‘plan for victory’ and ‘stay the course’ over and over and over and over again and you put these subliminal messages behind you that say ‘victory’ and ‘victory’ and ‘victory,’ that somehow people are not going to notice the 2,400 flag-draped coffins that have arrived at the Dover Air Force Base.”

The first-term lawmaker asked the audience: “People, have we flipped? It’s time to say we notice it. It is time to say that we care, and we are not going to settle anymore.”

The White House had no immediate comment about Obama’s criticism.

Tracey Schmitt, a spokesperson for the
Republican National Committee, said Obama’s remarks “are emblematic of a party that would rather promote pessimism and point fingers than weigh in substanitively on an issue as critical as the central front of the war on terror.”

Obama, who first came to national attention when he delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, has been mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in 2008 — or perhaps a running mate.

“I don’t know about you,” he told his audience, referring to Bush’s 2000 campaign comments on possible U.S. military involvement overseas, “but when
George Bush said he did not believe in nation building, I did not know he was talking about this nation.”

EMILY’s List is an organization that helps Democratic women who favor abortion rights.


a lonely passer-by cries
for the air to carry their
desparation far, to they
who are not there to be
seen, rather to be ridden,
stilled, for passing breaks
the regiments not known
by such a rogue as train’d



and this should be it for the lovey poetry.

She says she loves me

She says she loves me
but I know she only says it
to keep me from sadness.
She holds his hand
and I’m thinking I’ll be gone;
soon she walks a thin line,
holding him while I try
to hold her.

I thought every word
was for me
until I saw her saying them
to him. She
deserves a friend
and I
am nothing worth that.
She holds him
and I hold her
until she shrugs
and off they go.

i realize

i realize
she doesn’t
consider me
unless i’m
infront of her
and while that may
distort my view
of her,
cannot place blame
as blame
should be placed
on my person
for having her
seem in need
of my company

she’s like a creek, man.

she’s like a creek, man.
i can keep walking her length,
hoping to find where her waters end,
always finding the depths so enticing;
or i can jump over her and walk
amongst the trees who feed from her.
but she’s so rising, soon to drown them
before i can escape her banks, her shore.
yet i leave her,
she remains
the longest line i’ve tried to follow,
less she finds me wandering
to where i am closed.
she is the breeze,
making love in me.

i tried

this song, i wrote you,
tried to place you
within the span of a
couple minutes, but i
feel i’ve placed myself
against an obstacle–
you’re too much
for words, for a head,
for a song,
for a breath.

we met as friends often do,
me despising you, you
dealing with issues other
than i’m accustomed to.
you handled it well, i
saw something i wanted
in you.. that
look of being
more than who you masquerade as.
years went by,
you moved on,
i did, too, but, must admit,
you still held a spot
within these thoughts
of loneliness and then
you came around again,
perhaps by accident–
i’d like to think so–
you showed
the You again
i Knew before
and i closed these eyes
to picture you
but no words
live or written could
know you, same. i tilted head
to try my hand
at placing you
within the boundaries
of the limited..
yet you raised, everytime,
to low this heart to
steady thump
as though you knew i
could never resist you, still..
i tried for you.
told you
all the words
i thought would never
see the day,
but still you went your way.
asked to move, i gave my stance
so you may know
something worthy, you.
the days spun by so hole found way
of growing deeper in me
’til, lost, i found you,
closing my hands around you
only to be told
nothing could be planted/grow.
yet you kept me close,
offering a glimpse
more of you
i had never known..
wishing more, i
hoped you’d ‘llow me
hold you here,
though, gone, you
knew nothing
nothing would let you stay
as you lay ‘side another.
still, i
as crash gave force
i knew not where to place,
so easily ‘pon you these
nerves find rest,
find warmth, find
as to be softened, slumped.

no, it isn’t okay.

not really a song. not really that good. stream.

musings & scribbles