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Posts tagged as “Sermon”

Psalms 62:9

There is a reason why Jesus did not allow those He met and who experienced His presence to despair in their worldly image of themselves. To Him, all are the same. Beyond referencing how people take down others, Psalms 62 mentions that such actions and, certainly, the beliefs that worldly status means something, are just a falsehood. “God… Judges us by our works.”. God knows our hearts, our intentions, the entirety of our silence and the meanings we place on and in each. God knows, because He allows us to feel those ways. And, yet, He wants us to always look beyond those trivial (and juvenile) methods of thought, so that we may see His love, His passion, His mercy in all. I am but a body which covers a soul, a mind. What purpose is this vessel? To live, or to worship and give? God wants us. He wants us to see beyond the shackles we place on ourselves, generation after generation. We call ourselves intelligent, resourceful, wealthy of knowledge and action. Yet, truly, we show our most love to God by being blissful and ignorant to the constructs of our predicaments. I never once, since I’ve been saved, told God, “No.”. I’ve never once argued with God over what He wants me to do. I will speak my mind, shrug off the responsibility as though a heavy cloak, but God knows my heart and plays its chords just so I turn back around and do as He has me do. That I am able to come back shows His love. He does not give us time, but allows us to take time from Him and still benefit and be blessed by His presence and welcoming arms. And God knows how we view ourselves is relative. The ayatollah and the pastor are two of the same; though fundamentally different, they hold God’s word in view of His people for the betterment of mankind. Yet, they are constructs of their place and timing in this world. They are not each greater than the other, but they are the same. And, so, God says that the rich and the downtrodden are of the same make: they are not their material goods, they are not their responsibilities or their benefits or detriments to society. They are, together, lighter than a breath. They are, inside their shells and vessels, the same. God gave them both the ability to emote and to understand His bearings on their lives. The rich will have more, and so the poor will want, but to God they are the same and no different. The disparity is a piece of the human condition. Hence why Jesus was sent by God as an Everyman: There is no value in abundance, except to feed and fill the people. Jesus is the greatest example, and, in His travels and teachings, He was and is the realization for humanity that what we strive for, outside of God and communion, means nothing. Heaven doesn’t have a currency or a bartering table. Heaven is freedom from the idea that we are not already His, and the freedom from the idea that we need anything more than His presence and His love.

musings & scribbles