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Posts tagged as “I like to use multiple lines to separate thoughts”

If you were only a memory,

If you were only a memory,
I would bottle-up and drown
In time to never lose sight,
And cough into the cloth
Ripped from your favorite shirt.

If you were only a memory,
I would bottle-up and drown,
Forgetting being alive would be
The only way to honor who
We used to be, those two
Lovers licking wounds,
Falling as we walked and
Holding on to hands so warm
That fingers slipped away;
And we would see the night
As the only time to forgive ourselves
For staying still when there’s
So much we hadn’t done,
So much we hadn’t done,
So much we didn’t do.

And I can’t blame us,
Using the night to
Be together, still,
I can’t blame us,
Using the night to
Be together, still.

musings & scribbles