I drove to your house and found the lights on outside, speaking truth be told as wind laid hands upon me there, infront of window without door, as you leaned from story to say you wished me go, as you had lied, but, unwilling, I, stayed to know these labors had not been in earnest, a likely alibi to being so corrupted, buckled, shattered as the tall stars sprint across a sky in turning fashion, likened to a globe shaken but not by hands, but by twist of falling loose, a dropping spin of high, and to know you stood above me, shouting not, but looking, si’e’, a watcher of my follies, a casualled passings-by
musings & scribbles
with two in warmth of/on chest, as you lay, core-driven to me as a cover, waiting ’til i give for one of others, not that i would think you that, i can’t think you speak [of] me, either,. throu[gh] dos ö[f] beat[s], hold tight you, i/craze’ [t/d]’o
to you, in lonely grab of air unchurned as yet be taken
pitched, perfect, i’m sorry, i never know what else to give
when i know nothing else to,
crumbled of a ball,
un-to stern observer, i,
split as watching animal, caged, lay
cheek to cornered marble, cold, to warm
the blister’d madness
faulted in simplicity
of all thoughts on: you
when every second brings me to knees, brought to buckle, but so true are they, these bent pillars, knowing there will be time to run later, when the world’s done turning and she’s stopped infront of me/to know the world isn’t so alone anymore, but that we can take it, together/that the world isn’t so alone anymore, but that we can run across this land, to fly without a feather/and i’m kneeling here, wondering, is the wander worth a letter, or should i stay?; by the time i make my mind, you’ll surely be anywhere but around these/anywhere but around these weakened walls/anywhere but around this wasted fool/anywhere but around to be around me
above a wielded mace on shelf,
hanging, rests
a sign spell’d
play, ye, mongst the
tops o’ trees,
as, free, you be
from they & me.
wash in puddle,
fall of
stream, as
ruffled, clean, you be
much more than they & me.
play, as be you fair
in group of wade
or solitair’, as fam’ly, flocked,
in gust & sea, you be for them
as they for me.
the contrasting sky,
its blue to white
behind the green,
as a bird, wings tight,
arrows by
to be traffic with
the fairies, grey,
as Earthly whisper rolls
amongst us & All.
and, stilled, we follow
as so prone to do.
and, yet, you know not
this poet, he,
who cannot see
but uses words
as imagery,
wisdom leaves
but markings of what is,
what be.
play, ye, mongst the
tops o’ trees,
as free, you be
from them & me.
wash in puddle,
fall of
stream, as
ruffled, clean, you be
much more than them & me.
play, as you be fair
in group
or solitair’
bird shakes,
as feathers twitch
& sway from
movements made
to clean, to
freshen’ be.
of all the times
here, i be, Cardinal,
Red, shows flight
to me, and yet they
be not the only
singer carried/carrying these.