to be
shepher’d sheep
on trodden ground in wont
of given-grass
to be
gulliver goat
on errant way forage’d
yet un-journey’d
to be
shepher’d sheep
on trodden ground in wont
of given-grass
to be
gulliver goat
on errant way forage’d
yet un-journey’d
When I listened to the learn’d breeze;
When my antennae, the hairs, sway-fell against the skin;
When I was shown how miniscule is the breath, bound to land, divided by the air;
When I, laying, listened to the learned breeze on tips of grass shaded by the moon,
How soon, wayward, I became light and spiring;
Till catching break of air, I drifted off from self,
In prodigal-pulse’d sky, and with rise of breath,
Wave’d in feather’d touching of the stars.
if the night were longer
i could hold you till the end of time,
watching the fireflies flicker
while their distant cousins herd slowly
across the pond of sky above us;
if the day were longer
i could take you across the world
with every kodak moment
to guide us to our next home of the hour,
never letting loose your fingers
because you’d never let go;
if our dreams were shorter
we could live them longer,
always catching up
on every new idea for how we could be together..
if this moment were longer
we’d be left smiling as this life passed us by.
is it
that i miss you
after the petals fly
and the trees fall?
is it
sad that i wish to be
the pants you slip into,
the shirt that holds you so,
the smile you show only
when you know
i’m not around?
is it
pathetic to think
when my eyes wander
they’re looking for you?
is it
pitiful to know
when i lay down
i want you to be
the sheets ’round me,
the pillow i grasp,
the wind that comforts me?
thought may be but revolution centered on known knowledge
while reaching toward knowledge not yet contemplated:
through contemplation on what is shall arise what is not
through contemplation on what is not shall arise what is
perhaps through thought’s revolutions the possibility arises of detachment from anchor’d weight of body:
skin’s perceptions, eye’s perceptions, ear’s perceptions–
all perceptions of the body become detached,
and so detached is Thought itself–
as multitudes of perception become wound together,
solitary perception arises,
floating as on stream of This Life;
as flows this solitary perception,
distance may chance to be
and through distance the solitary perception continues as on stream,
falling as through translucent horizon–
though the solitary perception seems beyond the barrier of This World and This Life,
the solitary perception is still Present–
it is through great dettachment and great distance
that perhaps the solitary perception resurrects
as though from nothing: perhaps anchor’d hold is given slack
or merely overlooked is the constant existence of the solitary perception–
for this, keep the distance constant, or increasing,
so as to be aware of the solitary perception
while leaving the solitary perception…
: for, once stepping from womb,
what benefit lies in dismissing womb as though nonexistent?
: though through great meditation and being [not yet known by author]
may these attachments of perception be known:
as though they water run from cloud to unpored skin to earth to existence ever-cycling…
saRAH! mail me. now. to chris[at]vpoet[dot]net
Words… are but Definables
unless ‘so given is
: Emotion,
.: a Stir within the Self,
.: a Click,
.: a Light,
.: …
“bob greazy!”– a shout to thee,
our friend and father of refine’ed gravity,
whose twisted trust and duplicity
well drown lungs in dairy-air’d visibility!
from palm a penny fell,
to smash in wade with waves unflinching
‘gainst your wall of rounded cinder
–unfamiliar are these words
to the pausedbreeze of your voice
as i’ve never
had the chance to scream them
until downwind came,
i escape their trailing consequences
through still not telling you.