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Posts published in “Poems”

this globe

this globe
shakes for those
who know
it never snows
’til you’re standing, naked in the sand
with no one near
but damn
if she
doesn’t make you want her to be–
take care of that shelf,
it’s the support you need
when you’re too damn heavy
to be held by anything else–
let down your wall
and let her come,
come to you/
fall your eyes
to the ‘rizon and
let her raise you up–
forget the setting
when you’re in the light-blue sky
and welcome both
outside yours/mine/
break your night with gaze of looker-onward/knowing
a ball a bit bigger than the passengers rolls/wobbles way
from flock’s fold to field in dreams/that
land you seek ‘hind the words/the oppurtunities/the
regret you know doesn’t change you now, just
adds another reason to close your eyes when the world comes a little closer to suffocation–
all’s good when you have a place, a stance, a face
in the crowd you keep seeing but know changes daily/
can you fall and raise like moon/like sun/like leaf/like rain/can you
feel the hills/move the wind ’round you/can you
smile the years away/retain the minerals but let glide the water ‘way/
undrown yourself in those salty badges of insecurity and pound your chest
let the heart know you’re there and not going down without a reason to stand/can
you look above you, now, and see the world is round/a spot on the table, lively enough
yet just bare without something else/anything else/the givers:light, those
who lay on you a technicolor err you can only hide from when most are scared.

random/choppy/needs work/etc.

it isn’t very fair when you steal the sunshine

it isn’t
very fair
when you
steal the sunshine
and leave me
wilting in your wake.

it’s not
as though
you ever
looked upon me
and only me/damn
you and your wake.

it ain’t
like you
took ‘way
all the air ’round us,
but you sure
didn’t leave much else.

isn’t it
odd when
you smile
and the land low’s so
the sky shakes
loose any trap of gravity?

ain’t it
true you
left for
the right time to
come back and
grow more you on me?

language is not a matter of knowing the words

language is not a matter of knowing
the words to speak, but rather a
comprehension of thoughts left unspoken
for no writ nor vocal manifestation could ever
replace the origin let crawl from
mind through splitting time and chance
in given circumstance.– that which may never find
another route, if not through that subtle genius,
Epiphany, may fall as leaf to be but
nut on ground beneath the tree
unseen, unfound, for who notices
the bearer until the given is believed profound.

this life is but

as a tree
   as a voiced cricket
      as a splattering rain
         as a twist-turbined fan
            as a direction-uncompassed gnat
               as a bulb let slown to sight
                  this life is but a branching plenty
                                      a branching plenty to the still’d & hungry leaves
                                     a breaking call unrepeated in constant
                                      a breaking call unrepeated in constance
                                     a falling raised
                                      a falling raised
                                     a mutterance mumbling incoherently
                                      a mutterance mumbling with incoherence
                                     a changer of path
                                      a changing of path
                                     too fast to comprehend its speed and brevity
                                      too unknown in speed to comprehend its brevity

originally designed with the first ‘a’ only, but both seemed so appropriate.
perhaps better read with ‘as’ repeated twice, once with the first ‘a’ and then with the indented ‘a’.

the muse vs inspiration

a muse is someone/something that cannot disappoint,
merely disinterest.
emotion is not wasted on the muse, merely displaced for a bit.

Nature will never be delegated to status of “muse,” for Nature is a permanent-inspiration. the muse may wax and wane, but it is not the permanent moon, just a moth you notice in the light.

those who inspire: Mom, E, Katie, dad, Grandma, family, Sarah : they are permanent in thought; they are me in some odd linking.

the muse is but a flash, while those who inspire :including Nature: are the light. the muse may linger, but lingering is not comparable in force to motivation.

you may say the muse is but a parasite, a hinderance, an obstacle of inspiration–
i prefer to call the muse “practice.”

pale in envy.

when the voice, or blood,
                      or whatever
                      is clogging throat,
                       boils at room temp
                       to eyes–
                       the sticky ‘lids
                       hiding as
                       ashamed curtains
                       pulled to feet by
                       the one keeping me
                        but unfree to enjoy the air–
           this sight of a sickened child
           rotting in thought
           from too long an exposure,
                                  of her.
alone, in stare or conference held,
         she is
            she is
            here– in front, beside, behind, around me–
if that
                     solitairy fixation on
                                                                                 not run, not walk, not
                                                                                                           as so
                                                                                                          we let it be–
                by chance
                         by longing
                                    could bring to
                                                   us an envy drawn
                                                                  from other,
                                                                            outside onlooker–

from specks in grass

that is all they are,
side-stepping in hurried wave from one spectrum to the next
on those damned, barren wastelands of rock.
what scroaming beasts, these skippers in roar of rush;
what beckons them to pass as though nothing, they, were to stop?
can they, these slow’n’ slicers of the air, not see what is here,
idle and unafraid to be still?
can they not follow our way, to remain?
such noisy beasts, these crawlers–
why do they drown the ticking symphony of night?
and how they bother to pull the followers from Earth in their frenzy’d flush–
these defiant ones, determined in their motion,
know not the route of friction-less–
how could they, with Sailorswind and Hoppers
so worried of their path, so longing of their kin’s return–
yet, this breeze about them stirs a curiousity,
the killer of the brave,
to hope one should learn what rustle, this, does not show from afar
or be let known to they who are in doubt of journey.


        i can’t force what isn’t there.
        you get hernias that way.

give your breath
       your stutter-lunged grasp of wind
                        to me.

these lips of yours play,
                         stuck on mine
                                     in motion moved from limb to pool to your
                          your eyes, wide-shocked with mine behind, in tow–
                          what glimpse of you, this, your shiver-shake of hold,
                                                        how, slow, in rise,
                                                                    of these
                                                                  i wish to give
                                                            you more in return of gifts—

         lie amongst my arms and know me,
                                           your breath
                                           on drum
                                           laid silently
                                           ‘neath your skin:
                                           all i’ve come to be,
                                           the comforting
                                           sigh repeated
bsp;          with lungs’
                                           quiet rise
                                           and short’n’d push–
how your throat
                      calls to me
                                     for lips’ security
                                                and i, a
                                                guard in these,
                                                eyes, your wrap, your fingers,
                                                find no use to stay from answering.
by close of finders, i’ve come to find
this calm in movement internalized,
this breeze of thought lapping at lips
to widen and to loosen them, full
within your knowledge of this universe,

a knowing of your blush through nudge slown
to mapping draws in trick of nerve,
a play on tick’ to lick of pore;
and in this, our capsuled star let bake,
a drowning of one another grows in breathing, more,
                                            with give of you
                                             and of me take’.

the wolf, with

the wolf, with
eyes raised:staring,
 guides the gift’d
                in glance of grave
                  devil of History;
      breaking light in eye of forest,
     mane bears but symbol
      in respect to Shadow’s fortune,
       Fate, the Following;
          yet Wolf, with
           throat raised:open,
            falls sense, in weight,
             to pit of torso,
              crowning ‘lids
               in cast of gold marred-faux;
               gift’d, let flush go fears of Follower;
                as oakened-oars on fall
                 Converse with trail of them in Thought;
                    yet Wolf, with
                  breaks the beating rhythm of
                   far-stationed voices, screaming,
                    fully catching twixt the ribs of skin;
                     creaking in unison, this hollowed bone,
                      the marker of the shredded breast
                       from other left ‘lone, treads not
                        in -testines’ collared coils,
                         ‘stead finding side by pearl’d tusks of crimson:yellow’d.

musings & scribbles