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Posts published in “Poems”

i sit here,

i sit here,
motion’d but moving-not,
but accompany’d.

who follows
lines hoping for a path
to per-
fection– longing!

a knowledge
not of Quiet’s retreat,
but of

you’re going the other way

on a road some 5 miles out from greenville,
you scoot on by with my head in tow
and i can’t help but smile
knowing you’re going the other way/
somewhere far from me,
somewhere you oughtta be but
damn if you don’t keep me wanting to
go farther from here.

the palms

i got those callouses on the palms/the type you said you’d never mind/well, now’s the time and you’re behind on ya promise/where’s the world you were ‘spose to give?/where’s the life you SAID you’d live?/where’s the fortune?/who’s the fool?/which way to the ocean?/i’m tired of buying fuel/where is the love i felt when you first smiled?/is this place a hole?/am i climbing or still slippin’/trippin’/fallin’ ’til these feet stop stallin’/refuse to leave ‘cuz those wounds hurt to heal/are those words still ‘live on wind where these ears can’t listen or is the current ever-after already?


riding down 264 to a place i’d rather not know, but damn if it isn’t the best-lookin land in all the world/the place you can fall down to and never wanna rise back from/the lil town surroundin’ the grove and george slumped by the side and we’re just looking for a reason to pull over/a station to hum along to/fuck the words when you got that beat/the rhythm/the electricity/that energy that makes ya wanna move/soothes ya/holds ya/calms down the fumping heart/takes ya back to the time, yeah, you know, that one time you remember so well cuz the feeling never left ya/just covered by some memories/ah, how’d you miss it when you never left it


from dusty orange to
water/island blue with
wavey-white wisps, wandering
in the suspended, Starlit sky..

beetle’d-bone white
smokey’d quartz..

how do you describe
the back-bone’d cloud,
the forest-picked cotton/
but the bare’d-white scoops found
missing cone for stick?

how do you describe
the damn:bright sun,
that face seen/
burnt to ‘lids’ memory
and nights’ wont?

despite the years in masking

i know
despite the years
in masking/
you are there,
if only for the asking
of your hand–
what country are you from
as i wish to find way there
and see you standing ‘neath the tree
in nothing
but your casual

hey, you

you know that half-baked look that resembles a stoney/sleepy wanderer of the kitchen/the guy who fumbles/stumbles/grumbles/mumbles to himself before he’s found the right way in/the door swings and he’s left, staring into light and begging for ‘it’ to jump out/who calls but the skim/skinny/watered-down breast-fed bottle and he knows it’s time for shopping– whenever he has an oppurtunity and savings enough to go.

for your happiness

for your happiness,
to you i give this love,
this longing gone too long
for cyclic brain ‘llows focus
only certain instance ’til noise
of sight breaks bond, leaving smile/
your smile/your welcome a pain,
as though the parting of lips
were torn from hinge/from split/from
round of mouth to bitten cheek/nerve/
gash unhealed, for what wound lasts through
gnaw’d persistence of must-be-said.

what a way when the wind wïnds

what a way when the wind wïnds waste of trees/leaves of ‘phalt to shield of haste on painted path ‘pooled and personal, the last bastion of freedom aside from field or forest or sky or sea or expanse/the last destiny we, the current, shall never see ’til day finds need of lighters’ offerings, those reasons left to static rather than ‘namic philosophies– who rules the wind? whose laws abide the sea? who’s serpent squanders serenity in sight of stability/the crutch of the complacent/humility’s worst nemesis, idleness/the hands let wander body in place of Curiosities, true finders of the Sciences

trying for the answer

trying for the answer to life
in others’ reasons/questions/
who’s right? who’s best? and
who’s willing to accept anything/
everything/nothing as the explanation?–
what’s it matter when the clouds
follow the wind/or do they push it/or
are they dragged along by something else/or
are there things you can’t prove ‘less you
look at the revolutions/the evolutions/the
push/the pull/the wobble/the
suck/the blow/the loud/the calm/
the thunder/the rain/the turn/the
left behind/the yet-to-come/the
held/the lost/the let-slip-away/the
falter and the swagger/the stance/the
standing/the rest/the leaving/the
known/the lived-in/the what-may-come,

musings & scribbles