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Posts published in “Poems”

maturity is knowledge, not

maturity is knowledge, not of what one may do,
                               but of what one already does

whose eyes are wavey

whose eyes are wavey,
                      loading heavy my own
                                              ’til, fallen, i break from her
                                                                             in chance some pull gives reason ‘nough
                                                                                                                           for speech or sight
                                                                                                                           lost on insecure sea,
                                                                                                                           while i, the floater,
                                                                                                                                   hope not ‘ be seen
                                                                                                                                   as, soon, i may
                                                                                                                                         toward movement
                                                                                                                                   from any spoiled
sp;                                                   ‘lations
                                                                                                                                     and find way
                                                                                                                                     from stance

a mental hernia is as the unwatered seed–

a mental hernia is as the unwatered seed– dry, but still thirsting for a means to grow
                                                                                                             align with any other constance


so mad, this time when thought leaves and instinct,
                                                          the natural,
                                                           the constant,

the connection,

the connection,
the grasp of
others’ importance,
the creation
of others’ importance
; a confusion
a singe’ing of
prickling of
the nerve
for loss/
      of others

the more of you that is known by me,

the more of you that is known by me,
   the more i wish to know you more.
  this is not fair to you,
                             for you need not my emotions placed upon your person.
   this is not fair to me,
                              as the more of you i know, the more emotion i place
                                                                   within my thoughts of you,
                                                                   without such emotion given by you,
                                                                                                                          taken by me
                                                                                                                                           from you.


     full of disappointments,
                                            wishes let sit for
                                                                   no reason other
                                                                   than no other reason

all depending ‘pon the way,

all depending ‘pon the way,
i imagine a blank canvas, saturated in
holes/the darkest holes/the craters
of eyes’ comets, those
trailed-ones let freeze from melt of ‘motion, that
valve-clenching pattern over nerve
you know stops, but not when,
 until you know nothing else.

seek clarity of self

seek clarity of self;
‘llow less of want;
forge thought as steel,
from extended heat
to smoothened cool,
for bring of sharpened length.

in today’s society

in today’s society,
it’s hard to tell the
crazies from
the normies–
you see
someone talking to themself,
and then find a wire
attached to their caller.

musings & scribbles