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Posts published in “Poems”

And amongst the lumber, a bee struck up a game of tag

And amongst the lumber, a bee struck up a game of tag, of hide-and-go-seek beneath the bench. She tapped him, hurriedly, on the shoulder, fleeing sideways after the abrupt encounter, never allowing her eyes to cross, to turn away from his own before she scooted along and behind the bench. She monitored not the movement of his head, but his eyes, scurrying between the bench’s planks before the pupils could rest upon her expectant, bzzing image. She seemed to be accompanied by quite the period, a determined spider, making its crawl up the thigh of his jeans, closely observering, before avoiding, his advances in its way.

how quickly the clouds scurry ’bout in low-lie rush of sky,

how quickly the clouds scurry ’bout in low-lie rush of sky,
the froth of nothing bowing forth from sight of Tamer,
Teacher, Moon.. the winking Moon, but bright as bleach’d clouds ‘fore Her,
though giving more to eye than sight.. light, the
traveler’s guide through wood, through mason’s work,
the dry-as-new streets/signs of some outside wave
gone stagnant, stilled for cope of swell.

“I want to.”

“I want to.”
“Why would I want to?”
“Should I want to?”
“Have I wanted to?”
“Why have I wanted to?”
“Who would want to?”
“What would I want?”
“How would I want to?”
“What would I want to?”
“Still wanting to?”
“Should I have wanted to?”
“Sure wanted to.”
“Sure want to.”
“Sure, I’d want to.”
“Who made me want to?”
“Why do I want to?”
“Want to.”
“Can’t want to.”
“Shouldn’t want to.”
“Would this bowl want me to?”
“Why would this bowl want me to?”
“Why do I?”
“How do I?”
“Is this worth…?”

Why am I stuck here,

Why am I stuck here,
                      revolving ’round the thought of you–
                                      that serpent inward/hid?

Why am I convincing myself
                            to be in love with you
                                                when all I feel is a twinge
                                                                       a singe
                                                                       of nerve
                                                            — no butterflies,
                                                                 more of a mashing
                                                                            a constriction of the
                                                                           as though my heart
                                                                                         my apple
                                                                                         my core
                                                                                were gravity’d
                                                                                       to pit of me
                                                                                       in search
                                                                                       in pull, inward/guide
nbsp;                               of you..

when thinking

when thinking
        of falling
   and finding
     lit for descent

the dream

the dream
   of you in floor of seat,
            having said you lost … something
             all in show of being level with me
                                              as i sit infront of her,
                                                    the one you brought
                                                                  in hopes to push me off …
                                just a little regret/
                                               a little action needed to reclaim me…
                                                            I am
                                                             already Yours, for
                                                                You are these eyes’ focus,
                                                                            she merely a distraction.

                             Shake your head in wave of me,
                                                       the secret call
                                                              of our sanctuary,
                                                                  this floor,
                                                                         our level,

i fought a thousand thoughts before

i fought a thousand thoughts before letting these escape/captured a thousand hearts before you found mine to take

broke a million stars down to the spin of gravity/built a million minds to a sense of natural clarity

i followed my thoughts to a place i found safe only to drag my feet and wish nothing but change


i stumbled over some ol words/the ones i never gave to you for fear they’d lead to something different/something else other than what we got now/not like this is the best there’s ever been, but damn if i’d give it up for anything/anything more than you/the idea of us/that prospect of bein yours as you’d be mine/can ya ‘magine that?/can ya ‘vision that?/the chance of gettin you when you gettin me/not carin cuz that’s the way it should be/me on you/you on me/doin it right like we ought to/make it good/make it better/make it the best/make it love like we should do/can ya picture that?/picture the eternity not as a length of time but as the moment we spend holdin’ one another/givin one another that look/that stare/that constant curiousity, the questions asked and answered but asked again for who cares for answers when the enigma’s so dynamic/so brilliant/god, i just wanna get to know you/the whole you/all of you/everything ’bout you/give you a chance to know me/the whole me/everything ’bout me/from my thoughts to my family/they belong t’ you if you belong t’ me/just tell me true and it’ll happen/you n me/me n you/the us we always wanted/the two/the one/the smile you’ve always to-me granted

the chipper woman

the chipper woman noises
                           presents her presence
                                              in effect of
                                                            goading acknowledgement

musings & scribbles