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Posts published in “Poems”

tis but incremental measures of the everchanging/time

there is a she
for me.
i know not where;
i know not her location/
though her presence,
her laughter/liquid breathings
form on me a chill,
a warmth of breeze/of budding
pores brought lively–
and, though she is not here,
i know she is.
she exists..
or, if not now,
as she is in mind,
she will be, in time,
much more, much more
than finite words/definites
/much more
than thought of as now by me.

are you her? this
she whose lesson,
rises me
to fluidity of thought
as though image,
burnt through dreams?

washing the face and taken into account

washing the face and
taken into account
is what diana’s said:
clean, rinse, moisturize.
on-top of that rests
the idea of earth,
and unavailable to life;
moisten the land, though,
and you have soil/
life/roots to grow


how destitute, fallen, timbered,

how destitute, fallen, timbered,
shook the trees by wind in water’s company,
but how rich the health/a wealth of
the most natural green

when licked, wet, regrown & free

Went to the Park on Monday afternoon

Went to the Park
on Monday afternoon
, saw the worms dripping
with the pools in spread
o’er the gravel, a
sort of natural barrier
not much of a savior
for the stragglers
, stuck like dried-up veins
in stretch of black-leaked-grey.

there is a light around every shadow

there is a light around every shadow
even if you do not see one,
there is one somewhere beyond your view
in plain sight
though maybe not by you

yet feet,

yet feet,
still to be forgotten,
land as though soldiers,
having marched
for daily ends, tired
but willing, sacrificial
for the means of heads
not needing to be in worry of
their placement, actions,

one and other

how two beakers, distinct,
fluid-brought for sound, as in
flowing whistle, while
stutter-steps in voice, vocals
as fidgeting as the quick-swift heart–
how they, in unison,
before other,
to be as lovers
in the song,
they, these,
one and other

in a littoral sense,

in a littoral sense,
her bottom-thighs,
riding the warmth
of dress, cotton,
press to cup snug
the linear edge
dropped o’er by

literally shaking, she

literally shaking, she
swift-caught her heel
to be in place upon
the floor, beneath
bench as though
she knew not
where to sit,
yet sat
f’r sure.

musings & scribbles