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Posts published in “Year: 2011


I once forgot all about myself,
Only to remember/recall
What I never knew before, but
Somehow I know myself better;

Okay, So

Okay, so, I see a brother
Coming to conclusions of
How his woman feels ‘n’
He hides behind eyes for
Fear she’s found some(thing)
Better, like, say, loneliness.

And, as he slowly drowns
The mind, his body knows
The shakes and shivers mean
His body needs control; the
Knowing is hardest when
Not known, you know? When
He holds onto what was as
Though it always will be,
He foregoes growing old for
Happiness now, the way only
Teens and dreamers seem to do.
…and his body tells him now’s
A good time for a drink or few.

always and often.txt

a pretty long time ago,
i told you i’d sold myself
on the notion of marriage;
how funny, how funny,
to think of the nights
in that blue store
sided gold/and Polly
telling us it’s okay to
talk a bit between shifts,
so long as the patrons
don’t seem to mind;
forgot the days you spent
driving to me for an hour
and all the times i came home
to warm supper, given with Love,
given with Love.

you always and often told me
that He knows where we need to be,
no matter the day, no matter
the ex-periences of past lives;
i always and often believed you,
holding on to those ideals we
always laughed at before we saw
how hard a life worth living takes
to realize.

how many times…?

how many times
do you have to tell me
that everything would be
better somewhere else?

can’t say i believe you,
though i know here isn’t
much better than anywhere
we’ve never been or could be.

When I look back and see nothing,

When I look back and see nothing,
I look ahead and see in Your face
Reflections of all You’ve gifted me;
Thank You, Lord!


I am not these words,
These cryptic phrases
And made-up themes;
I am not these which you read,
Hear, or listen to. I am not
Who these pictures, painted,
Show. I am not who you
Believe I am; though, I
Use these words to
Describe who I am not
And, therefore, state
Quite plainly who I am.

Enter to be hidden by

Jesus, your love keeps me sane. Your
Life led me to be a better human being.
I longed to be Your equal,
Though You know I was not sent
As You were; I see that now,
Though know You would
Appreciate the efforts to be
A better human being with
You as a role I wished to be.

I And You

I and You,
Walking along pavement To
Be a Blessing in One Other’s Stream.
In some store’s parking Lot,
I and You, bleed to be Another’s
Angel, so-to-speak, And
An Approving Ear to hear Lives
Not many times spoken To
Stranger, who they know Not.

know there is more.

how often we see a sad day
and think, “tomorrow ‘ll be
better. tomorrow ‘ll be a
different day.” well, why
not today? why not this
time we have right now
to be the ones to say, “i
will make a difference.
i am standing right now
to say to you, ‘BE cheerful,
for we have now to be
more than we ever were/
just don’t let your eyes
drop, keep them raised
and seeing ahead to all
that waits those willing
to know there is more.'”

musings & scribbles