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Posts published in December 2006


when i woke up this morning, i didn’t entirely expect to bother with this, but, now, i believe i may

she moved as snake in air, stood

pulsing, pacing, moving, she
fellandrose with unsighted slitherings
toward tallest breach of air, of sea,
she, this siren, maiden, me
made false claims and held in arm,
wrapped quite diligently.

The Greatest Scene in Movie History

Police officers, investigating a murder,
are in a police department’s laboratory,
discussing the contents and origin of bird
shit, in a case involving a crooked cop
and a birdlike boy; the officers leave
after a captain is called, by his mother,
to pick up lettuce; as the officers are
leaving, an inmate, after handing the note
from the mother, to the captain, picks up
several rolled joints, dropping one in front
of another officer, who turns the quite-startled, and defeated, inmate around, handing said joint back to him.

Greatest Pause in Cinematic History

; from Brewster McCloud

as the little birds

as the little birds whisper prayings
for those who hear not the words

the more you smile,

the more you smile, the more i realize
you’re just grinding your teeth

musings & scribbles